We had our first birthing class last night. It's a two and a half hour class every Wednesday night for 5 weeks. My initial thought is what the heck are they going to talk about for that long each Wednesday night. However, it was actually quite interesting and I'm glad we signed up. I think it'll help us get over some of the apprehensiveness we're both feeling about the actual labor/delivery process. Another plus is they made Pat give me a back-rub for a while so he could practice!
The class has 14 different couples all due roughly around the same time we are so we got to meet lots of new people all going through the same experiences we are. Of course I've never been in a bathroom with so many pregnant ladies like I was last night during our break!
So, things are still going good for us and I promise I'll post a picture of me as soon as I can remember to make Pat take one.